
Friday, April 6, 2018

Expanding access to Quantum Computing

By Rich Ptak  (Commentary updated - 5/01/2018)

IBM Q at Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Photo by RLP
We’ve previously discussed IBM efforts and contributions to Quantum Computing[1]. These range from fundamental research to developing quantum computing science to providing services that will speed the transition from a theoretical science to a technology for problem solving. We described their efforts with partners to build a large, broad constituency of interested user/researchers connected via the IBM Q Network[2]. IBM Q Network allow participants to make collaborative arrangements that will speed the evolution of Quantum Computing technology. We recommend reading those articles.

In IBM’s view, technological advance occurs in stages. Starting with a theory, a technological explanation is developed, and research done to define a technology. This leads to development of an engineering understanding of how it might be applied. Next, the focus shifts to spreading the knowledge of the technology and growing developmental tools as potential users learn how and where to apply it.     

Quantum computing is nearly there today. Research labs and engineering efforts continue at IBM and by others to address issues involving the operating environment, data input/output, qubit stability and reliability. They need now to attract and develop potential users.

Achieving a commercially viable quantum technology requires quantum knowledgeable users able to identify and articulate problems, as well as create programs/algorithms. This is a task for educators, interested users, commercially-focused engineers, enterprises, and researchers. Therefore, efforts to increase quantum knowledge in a much wider, commercially savvy community have been expanded, e.g. the efforts mentioned above and described below.  

IBM is taking a leading role to address these and other issues. This includes addressing such issues as: How will quantum computers and classical computers work together? What types of problems are uniquely quantum friendly? Even identifying the right questions to ask remains an important open issue. 

With such issues in mind, we accepted an invitation to visit with members of IBM’s Quantum Computing team at IBM’s Thomas J Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY.
Here is what we took away from the visit.

Delivering public access to quantum computing

A major step to broaden quantum knowledge occurred in May 2016, when IBM provided free public access to the first implementation of wide-scale, cloud-based 5-qubit quantum computing. In March 2017, IBM Q Experience[3] upped the game with access to actual universal (general use) quantum computers.

Two years on, 83,000+ people have moved far beyond that initial Q-experience. A large constituency has access to not just 5-qubit, but also 16-qubit quantum devices. IBM Q Network clients have access to a commercial 20-qubit system. In late 2017, IBM stated that a break-through 50-qubit system is under development. To date, users have created and run nearly 4 million experiments; a strong indication that quantum computing has left the esoteric realm of pure science and theoretical physicists’ dreams.

Quantum computing has started down the path to become a commercially applicable compute technology. Early applications range from building molecular models that aid the mapping of quantum circuits to apps that analyze very large unstructured data sets (used for financial planning) to apps able to factor complex equations.

IBM Q Network[4] is designed to facilitate the creation of a global network of quantum computing interested industries aimed at applying quantum technology to problem solving. Currently, only Q Network clients have access to the 20-qubit devices. They can also access the 5- and 16-qubit devices of the IBM Q Experience. The community is in the early stages of understanding what kinds of problems can be solved, as well as how to formulate the “question” to be answered. Participants include F500[5] and start-up companies to research labs and universities[6]. More details are available in the paper mentioned earlier.

Today, the IBM Q Experience allows users free use of both real 5-qubit and 16-qubit computers and 32-qubit quantum simulators to write programs with familiar development tools,including loading and accessing data using classical systems, e.g. GUI- Quantum Composer[7], QISKit[8]-GitHub. IBM Q Network clients also have access to commercial 20-qubit systems and resources to explore practical applications in their industries.

On-site IBM researchers use Power Systems linked to IBM Q quantum computers.  IBM Q Experience users, as well as IBM Q Network clients access the quantum systems and quantum simulators thru a Power System-based cloud. 

Combining classical computing with quantum allows dramatic extension to computing capabilities. It will eventually lead to posing and solving completely unique problem sets – including rapid evaluation of incredibly large data spaces to optimize financial trading, create new drugs and materials or optimize energy production. 

Quantum computing and classical computing

Posing classical versus quantum computing is not the issue; it is determining how to most effectively exploit each architecture. Successful efforts working with real quantum machines lead to the conclusion that for the foreseeable future, quantum computers leveraged in tandem with and complementary to classical computers is the most promising way forward. Classical computing executing with its logic gates; quantum computing using quantum theory to manipulate “bits” and logic.

Tests have been run comparing the problem-solving speed of quantum algorithms (on quantum devices) against classical algorithms (run on classical machines). The results show that quantum devices don’t consistently complete more quickly or offer better solutions. Or, not enough to justify the additional effort required to do so. Thereby confirming the continuing value of classical computing, as well as the need for both approaches. Today, the challenge lies in identifying the exact problems or parts of a problem can best be addressed via a quantum computing device.

Interestingly, doing those tests also helped to reveal ways to improve some algorithms to run even faster on classical computers.

Theory and logical quantum computer simulations provide some insight into problem formulation. However, the gap between what can be done with a logical qubit versus a real, live qubit is enormous. As an example, a logical qubit can hold its states forever and be examined at leisure. In real life, the qubit has an accessible, informational life of microseconds, meaning only samples of output can be taken. They are also error prone. Algorithms are run repeatedly to correct for these errors. Research continues to identify ways to extend the life and stability of qubits.

Decades of classical computing solving all kinds of problems has given great insight into their operation. They use binary logic and mathematical concepts tied to the physical world. Physical models allowed logical processes to be replicated. The expected results could be predicted and checked. This made problem formulation, execution and answer checking relatively straightforward. The same level of knowledge doesn’t exist for quantum computing. And, given the actual physics of the quantum computer, it is extremely difficult to acquire.

Quantum should be best at solving problems involving large data arrays or having many complex options. But, the quantum world operates at the limits of our measurable knowledge and abilities of observation. So, identifying the specific details of quantum friendly problems remains an on-going challenge. These include determining the best way to articulate problems, and even deciding what problem or pieces of a problem to run on a quantum computer. Much remains to be learned about composing algorithms and verifying solutions.

What is different about quantum computing?

Quantum computing is superficially similar to, but fundamentally different from classical computing. Both quantum and classical computers use algorithms to solve problems. The actual algorithms are different because of unique execution techniques. Both are programmed with gates and transforms. But, quantum computing manipulates objects at a molecular level. The laws of molecular physics that apply to quantum operations are quite different as are the conditions at which it works. IBM Q requires near absolute zero, -273C, temperatures. That is colder than what exists in space. (Although this may change.) It operates in ways not fully observable, or currently even directly measurable.

Qubits are casually like bits. But, bits hold only one of two states (0 or 1). Qubits hold a state of 0, 1 or any combination in-between (e.g. 20% - 0, 80% - 1). The amount of data a qubit holds accounts for its great potential. They are shorter-lived, sensitive (collapsing to bits if touched by minimal external energy), error-prone, etc. These are gradually being resolved.

                    Figure 1 Entanglement    ©HowStuffWorks
What is entanglement? Two particles (photon, qubit, etc.) interact and retain a relationship that is neither a physical nor a controllable exchange of any sort. In figure 1, particle (A) is entangled with particle (B). Once entangled, any changes made in the superposition state of one of the pair will correlate with changes in the superposition state of the other particle.

So, observing entangled particle (A) changes the state of its superposition. Near instantaneously, the state of the second particle (B) changes in a correlated but opposite of (A) – like a mirror image. This occurs without stimulation of (B) nor any connection no exchange of any kind. This occurs at speeds exceeding the speed of light even when significantly large distances separate the two particles.

The change in the state of (B) is predictable but opposite (complementary) to the change in the state of (A). Entanglement simply (or not) means that the superpositions of two entangled particles will change in an observable, complementary way with no physical contact or connection. Thus, the change state is “correlated”, not “causal”. The results of stimulating (A) are detectable by comparing states afterwards. The change is the result of random movement in both particles – but only the overall outcome is observable.

Entanglement of particle superpositions is unique to quantum computing. Neither classical computing nor classical physics have anything like it. It is the basis of a lot of the power and promise of quantum computing.

Decades long IBM efforts have led to major contributions to quantum computing science. More recently, they concentrated on moving quantum computing from a science to a technology for experiments in application. They support widespread education in quantum. They recognize that progress to commercialization occurs as a series of step-ups in knowledge and capability, not a leapfrog.

Classical computing is based on well-understood models of logic and mathematics. It is how we think and analyze. Experience and detailed models allow us to predict outcomes and measure results against expectations. We know how to articulate problems and structure algorithms with precision. Not so for quantum; where we are just learning how to do all that in quantum terms.

It is critical to begin engaging with this new evolution in computing technology. Not to become experts in the theoretical aspects, but to understand the change in thinking about how things operate to discover how it might be useful. Operating in a quantum environment requires a unique, almost philosophical view of problems. There is no doubt that it has the potential to radically alter how problems are viewed, articulated and solved.

Quantum computing will have a major impact. It will require effort to learn quantum. To learn how to think, communicate and frame questions and, then to comprehend answers in quantum terms. IBM Q Experience participants include 1,500 universities, and 300 US high school and the international equivalent students. We expect that will spread.

It would be a mistake to ignore quantum computing today. Understanding this, IBM is working to advance public awareness and competency.

We found the Yorktown meeting to be very worthwhile. It was informative, challenging and rewarding. We left with a lot to think about. Our major takeaways are as follows:

1)            For the foreseeable future, quantum and classical computers will operate side-by-side.
2)            Classical computing and its techniques remain relevant.
3)            Classical systems are not going to be obsolete any time soon.
4)            Quantum computers are not poised to replace/enhance smart phones.
5)            Quantum computing will radically change how we view and think about problems.
6)            Very new and different types of problems will be identified and solved by quantum computing.

Once harnessed, quantum computing’s ability to analyze massive amounts of data in reasonable time to provide accurate, actionable insights can benefit many areas. It will improve forecasting and allow ‘what-if’ analysis of incredible variety and complexity. The impact will be felt in shaping and developing strategies for everything from financial trading to inventory management. It will benefit research to improve energy discovery and use. It will drive innovations in metallurgy, medicine, forecasting, machine learning, traffic control, and much more.

Finally, we (and you) shouldn't expect a general-purpose quantum computing laptop soon. IBM, as well as other researchers believe that quantum has the potential to provide an exponential speed-up, i.e. 2ⁿ (where n is the number of qubits). Expectations as to when that will be reached range from as little as 5 to as much as 20 years. Commercial viability well be pretty much assured with a significantly smaller speed-up. Personally, we expect quantum computing to be commercially viable within two decades.We look forward to it.

[1] See “IBM Research on the road to commercial Quantum Computing“ at
[2] See “IBM Q Network – moving Quantum Computing from science to problem solver” at
[5] For example, JP Morgan Chase, Daimler, Samsung, Barclays, Hitachi Metals, Honda, Nagase.
[6] Keio University, Oak Ridge National Lab, University of Oxford, University of Melbourne.

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